
Home / DJ246(Nyoro)


18才よりDJ活動を始め青山クラブAPOLLO、渋谷ルーム、PYLON、西麻布イエロー、328、ハーレム等でレギュラーDJとして活動の後98年よりNYに移住。数々のクラブやバー等でDJとしての経験を積んだ。帰国後クラウンレコードより発売のコンピシリーズ TOKYO LOUNGE1~4 の楽曲コンパイルとジャケットデザインを手がける。現在音楽レーベルHYDRAにてレーベルDirector、Monday満ちるなどのマネージメントも勤める傍ら渋谷The Room、marunouchi HOUSE,DJ Bar Bridge他都内バーティーでのDJ多数。2005年より渋谷FM”PLAYGROUND”にてレギュラー番組を6年間持つ。ダウンビートからダンス・クラシックス、ハウス、クラブジャズ、エレクトロなどクロスオーバーなプレイに定評がある。


DJ 246
starting her DJ career at the tender age of 18, DJ 246 (Nyoro) has held residencies at Tokyo’s most respected clubs including Aoyama Club APOLLO, Shibuya The Room, PYLON, Nishiazabu YELLOW, 328, HARLEM among others over the years. While DJ’ing she was also a model appearing magazines, adverts and fashion shows across Japan. She moved to New York and DJ’d at spots such as Brooklyn Mod, Saki Bar, O-Bed. On returning to Japan in 2000, she compiled and designed the Tokyo Lounge Series 1-4 . She is currently director at HYDRA Records while also playing regularly at clubs The Room , marunouchi HOUSE, DJ Bar Bridge among other shows throughout the capital including fashion events etc. Since 2005 she also holds a regular radio show on 78.4MHz Shibuya FM – “PLAYGROUND” where her crossover style of playing everything from downbeat to dance classics, house and club jazz to electro is widely praised.

From 2009, as one of 4 female DJs, she also produces a Sunday afternoon club event where both kids and adults can enjoy themselves called “PLAYGROUND”

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